Kane's Clean Sweep has teamed up with Heat Shield to deliver top quality chimney liner repair services to our valued customers throughout northern New Jersey. This includes helping homeowners reduce risks to health and safety, and improve efficiency of your chimney.


Chimney Liner Repair

Where is your chimney liner? And why is it important? Whether you use your chimney to vent a fireplace or woodstove, most will have a sections of clay flue tiles that are stacked on top to form the "flue". Your chimney flue should be seamless to protect your home and chimney. Over time, however, the flue can get damaged, leading to a number of challenges.

Gaps between flue tiles

Gaps between flue tiles

The mortar between flue tiles may begin to erode due to the combustion process and resulting gases and leftover chemicals over time. These gaps may mean that the hazardous gases aren't safely vented from the home, but rather could seep in between the flue tiles.

Cracked flue tiles

Cracked flue tiles

In addition to damage over time, flue tiles can become cracked for a number of reasons. This may be a single event such as chimney fire, lighting strike, or other natural disaster. Cracks can also appear over time due to poor workmanship, which poses similar risks as gaps.

Flaking flue tiles

Flaking flue tiles

With years of use, the moisture from combustion and exposure to corrosive chemicals can start to  degrade the clay flue tiles. This may cause the tiles to start to flake off, which is also known as "spalling". Left unchecked, this continued damage can start to pose serious risks to your home.

Reduce Health & Safety Risks

Damage to your chimney has the potential to pose significant health and safety risks to your home and family. Over time, challenges such as gaps between flue tiles and cracked or flaking flue tiles may cause your chimney to deteriorate from the inside out. This increases the potential that poisonous gases and other debris from combustion will come into your home. Through our comprehensive chimney lining repair, we give you peace of mind that your chimney is safe.

Improve Efficiency

In addition to reducing risks, our chimney repair services also help you improve efficiency of your chimney unit (and thus heating the home). By ensuring your chimney is free of any gaps or cracks, smoke or excess gas can more quickly move up and out of the chimney, while maximizing efficiency.

Reduce Health & Safety Risks

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Call Kane’s Clean Sweeps today, and experience a professional chimney liner repair service in northern New Jersey.